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Inner Child Healing ; What to expect

An area unknown for so many, yet so deep within all of us ........

What is Inner Child Healing?


What should you expect?

We also have some top tips for you too, if you want them now you can skip to the end...


Firstly let us talk about what the Inner Child is.

Most of you reading this are Adults, you were once a Child Right?

That younger you is what we refer to as your Inner Child.

The internal parts, the parts of your subconscious that have been soaking up all the experience's, memories, and messages way before you could fully understand or communicate them and throughout your Childhood.

The subconscious holds it all, emotionally & mentally, it goes deeper than this though.

There lies deep memories, emotions, trauma, as-well as the hopes & DREAMS

SO, Inner Child healing is about connecting with that younger part of us, to allow ourselves to witness them at different ages, to hear, see, feel and love them.


What is the point ?

Unfortunately where our Inner Child has not been seen, heard, held, felt, or has experienced subliminal daily, or deep trauma, this plays out in our behaviours, habits and life's as Adults.

It can hinder us from living and achieving our hopes and dreams to such an extent!

A lot of people will NOT get this, but stay with me, the lightbulb will come

Here are some ways that the WOUNDED INNER CHILD can manifest in your life as an Adult .....

  • Overworking and always feeling the need to achieve

  • Regular feelings of guilt, this can look like saying SORRY a lot

  • The constant need to want to be seen and validated

  • Being rigid and striving for perfection (unable to handle failure)

  • Not being able to accept compliments, praise or celebrating the good

  • Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks

  • Unhealthy relationship patterns, cycling in the same issues

  • Self-sabotage and obsessive/addictive behaviours.

  • Running away or giving up easily in relationships

  • The need to always be in control

  • Underachieving.

  • Constantly going around in your head

  • Negative self-talk.

These are a few........ SO have you resonated with any of the above?

Some of you may say.....

'Well everyone suffers from at least one of them'

YES they do you are not wrong, and that is because everyone has an Inner Child within them that needs and wants healing.


We don't all have to live with at least one or more of the above list.

We can heal

We can love our Inner Child and build a relationship with them, which will then in turn IMPROVE your ADULT life Drastically.

Trust us, we have experienced it and witnessed it in ourselves and our clients.

It is like a Child with a big key chain of keys, once the doors are unlocked......

There is endless potential


Top Tips for you to start working with your Inner Child

Tip 1 - Take some time to observe your current behaviours.

How do you react and respond to people, experiences and pressures of life?

A suggestion is to get a journal and keep a note of these, this will help you see the patterns that are currently manifesting accross your life and relationships.

Tip 2 - Start to practice meditation, this is not about silencing the mind. Creating pockets of quiet and stillness in life allows us to open up to what we are holding within us.

Once you are in the flow of meditating you can ask your Inner Child to let you see them.... you will be massively surprised what the subconscious will show you.

Tip 3 - Seek a form of Therapy, Self help, Self development, or interact with your friends and loved ones in a way where you can be open and vulnerable.

This opens up a portal for our Inner child healing journey to commence.

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