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Writer's pictureKayleigh Herbert

5 Signs You Should Never Ignore: The Early Warnings of Burnout

Updated: 18 hours ago

Let me start by saying this: I’ve been there.

I’ve experienced the subtle yet undeniable signs that my body and mind were starting to unravel, and I ignored them for far too long.

I actually hit BURNOUT 3 Years in a row 😳

Like many of us, I thought I could push through the discomfort, sometimes not even realising that there was discomfort.

I thought it was just “life being hard” or a “busy season.”

But it wasn’t.

It was my nervous system sending me warning signals, trying to tell me something was wrong.

Burnout doesn’t hit you like a brick wall out of nowhere.

It sneaks up on you, whispering at first, then getting louder until you can no longer ignore it.

But..... if you are not listening just like I wasn't then you will not hear these whispers.

If you’ve been feeling off lately, and you’re not sure why, here are 5 signs that might sound familiar.

If they do, I urge you not to brush them aside.

Please don't make the same mistakes I did.

They’re more than just bad days—they’re signs that your nervous system is struggling and needs attention.

1. 🌍 The World Feels Too Much for You

This is something I never paid attention to before, now I am more connected these are the first signs for me.

Suddenly, everything feels overwhelming—too loud, too bright, too fast.

The world feels like it is closing in on you.

Everyday noises become unbearable, and even the most mundane tasks feel monumental.

When your nervous system is in overdrive, your brain starts to perceive normal stimuli as threats.

It’s a defense mechanism, a way for your body to protect itself, but it comes at a cost.

You find yourself constantly overstimulated, craving silence and space that you can’t seem to find.

If you’ve felt this—if the world feels like too much to handle—it’s not because you’re weak. It’s because your nervous system is screaming for a break.

2. 💪 Your Body Aches and Your Muscles Won’t Release

Tension used to creep up on me in the strangest ways.

I would wake up feeling like I’d been clenching my muscles all night, even though I hadn’t done anything strenuous.

My shoulders were stiff, my neck felt like stone, and my lower back ached constantly. I would injure myself easily and constantly felt heavy.

This chronic tension is your body’s way of staying in fight-or-flight mode.

When your nervous system perceives a constant threat, your muscles contract to protect you.

But when the threat isn’t immediate—when it’s more about chronic stress—you’re left feeling like your body won’t relax, no matter how much you stretch or rest.

This is your body’s way of saying, “Something’s not right here, and I can’t keep holding this weight.”

3. ⚡️ You’re Feeling Irritable and Snappy

I’ll be honest: this one hit me like a ton of bricks.

I found myself snapping at loved ones for no real reason.

The smallest inconveniences felt like personal attacks.

I would feel guilty, but in the moment, I was so on edge that I couldn’t help it, sometimes I didn't even realise that I was doing it.

Irritability is a major sign that your nervous system is overstimulated.

When we’re in a constant state of stress, our body and mind don’t have the bandwidth for patience or empathy.

Our emotional resilience takes a nosedive.

If you’ve been snapping at the people around you or feeling angry over minor things, take a step back.

It’s not just mood swings or the time of the month—your nervous system is waving a red flag.

4. 💨 Your Mind is Moving at 10,000 MPH

This is probably the most exhausting one for me.

Even when I was physically tired, my mind was racing.

I would lie in bed at night, completely drained, but my brain would be running through endless to-do lists, replaying conversations, or imagining worst-case scenarios.

When the nervous system is dysregulated, it’s hard for your brain to slow down.

You stay in a hyper-aroused state, which means you’re constantly on alert, even when there’s no immediate threat.

This mental exhaustion is one of the clearest signs that you’re pushing yourself too hard.

Your mind is trying to keep you safe, but in doing so, it’s draining every last bit of energy you have left.

5. 🤔 You Just Don’t Feel Right Within Yourself

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt this one.

It’s hard to explain, but you know that feeling when something just feels off inside you?

You go through the motions of your day, but you’re disconnected, like you’re not fully there.

It’s like you’re watching yourself from the outside, and nothing feels quite right.

I remember saying to friends sometimes, do you ever feel like you are not on this planet, like you are here but you are not here?

Now I see what this was, as I haven't had it for years now I am connected.

This feeling of disconnection is your body’s way of protecting itself from overload.

When your nervous system is overwhelmed, you start to dissociate—not in a dramatic way, but in subtle ways that make you feel like you’re not quite yourself.

If you’re feeling this, it’s your body’s way of saying that you need to slow down and reconnect with yourself.

Burnout is Sneaky, But It’s Not Inevitable

Here’s the thing: burnout doesn’t just happen overnight.

It’s a slow buildup of stress, tension, and exhaustion that you can catch early if you pay attention to the signs.

Your nervous system is incredibly resilient, but it also needs time to rest and recover.

If you’re feeling any of these signs—whether it’s sensitivity to the world, chronic muscle tension, irritability, a racing mind, or just feeling off—it’s time to take a step back.

This isn’t about being weak or incapable; it’s about listening to your body’s signals before things spiral into full-blown burnout.

So, what can you do?

One of the first steps is awareness.

Take some time to reflect on what you have just read.

How much do these examples show up in your life ?

Then start by giving yourself permission to rest.

Notice when guilt may arise and remind yourself of this Article

Write a list of the things that calm you down, help you rest and that bring your peace or joy.

Try to implement some from your list at least once or twice a week to start with.

Prioritise self-care in whatever form that looks like for you, whether it’s taking a break, setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, or seeking support.

Your nervous system will thank you, and trust me, you’ll feel like yourself again soon. 🌿

If you really want to immerse and work on yourself, your body and give your nervous system the rest and reset it needs, check out out Burnout Retreats here

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